Which leaning tower? We have three!

Which leaning tower? We have three!

A select few (or rather, a few curious ones) know that in Pisa we not only have the famous leaning tower, which became even more famous in January 2020 when it was also photographed from Corsica 190 km away, … but we have three! During my tours I always jokingly...
There’s not only the Devil’s Bridge

There’s not only the Devil’s Bridge

All those who take the highway to go to the sea see that wonderful aqueduct that accompanies travelers by car for a few seconds. Few people know that it was built by the great architect from Segromigno – Lucca, Lorenzo Nottolini. That aqueduct in 1833 will bring clean...
Fina from San Gimignano

Fina from San Gimignano

You can’t say you know San Gimignano if you don’t know who Santa Fina is. Serafina or Iosefina Ciardi, for friends Fina, is a very young blessed who lived in the mid-1200s. From an early age she cultivated a great devotion to the Madonna, in fact it is said that she...
“I don’t know where to go” is no longer an excuse

“I don’t know where to go” is no longer an excuse

In full heat and with the fear of a faint, we arrived in Buggiano Castello. What to say? after facing the super climb you say “wow, it was worth it”. Also known as the “Borgo degli citrus” because it enjoys a particularly mild microclimate. Focus and admire the...