In full heat and with the fear of a faint, we arrived in Buggiano Castello. What to say? after facing the super climb you say “wow, it was worth it”.
Also known as the “Borgo degli citrus” because it enjoys a particularly mild microclimate.
Focus and admire the wonderful private gardens as you walk along the alleys of the village.
You immediately understand the strategic position of the town from the countless terraces with breathtaking views, in fact it has been fortified several times, first by the initiative of the Da Buggiano family (11th century) and then by the Florentine Republic (14th century). You can still see some remains of the 11th century walls while the town is partially delimited by the 14th century walls.

The characteristic alleys lead to an enchanting little square on top of the hill, Piazza Pretorio. Here is the fourteenth-century Palazzo Pretorio, with a marvelous facade full of emblems of the various families that have succeeded each other over the centuries. It is always a pity that there are a million cars parked in front.
Next to Palazzo Pretorio there is the beautiful Romanesque church of San Nicolao dating back to the 11th century, with three naves, the precious baptismal font and the pulpit. The garden at the rear of the church offers a unique view over the valley.
Two towers remain of the fortress, here we see the one transformed into the Clock Tower in 1510: on that date it was in fact equipped with a clock, which was destroyed during the earthquake of 1914.
A tiny village that deserves to be visited, photographed and promoted to the utmost maybe as always, combining it with a lunch and / or dinner.